Welcome to the blog of Jennifer Alexandria Photography

goodbye, for now

here i sit on a saturday night pondering what the next nine months of my life will look like.  i move to USC this week.  a new chapter of life will begin.  the twenty-four hours that construct each day will be permeated with classes to attend, deadlines to meet, and social events and clubs to take part in. in the midst of this constant schedule i hope to make each day count.  for Christ.  for those around me.  & for  myself, so that at the end of the day Christ will be honored and so that i will be filled with the joy He provides.  during this venture i will be majoring in International Relations (Global Business).  i hope to work and study my hardest in every class so that I can apply these skills to a career one day.  i hope to obtain an internship within the year.  i hope to study abroad.  i hope to build life-long friendships.  i hope to maintain tight-knit relationships with those that i love already. i hope to give my all in every circumstance.

so friends, i leave you with this, not knowing when the next time i will write or update this blog.

fight on!